How You Can Support Your AVID Student:
Attend your child's goal-setting conference in the fall.
Ask specific questions about school.
Reinforce the planner at home.
Make school your child's "job."
Celebrate short- and long-term goals.
Student Success Skills:
Complete homework.
Use organizational skills.
Review class notes.
Talk to others about school and learning.
Be goal-oriented.
Be flexible.
Show confidence in academic achievement.
Know when you understand and when you don't.
Establish a study area.
Be consistent.
Take initiative to practice basic skills.
Seek further knowledge of content areas as well as your other interests, especially when no homework is assigned.

Oakmont Is An AVID School!
What does this mean?
From www.AVID.org:
How AVID Works
AVID brings research‐based strategies and curriculum to educational institutions in elementary, secondary, and higher education. The AVID System annually provides more than 30,000 educators with training and methodologies that develop students’ critical thinking, literacy, and math skills across all content areas throughout the entire school campus, in what we call Schoolwide AVID.
Teaches skills and behaviors for academic success
Creates a positive peer group for students
Develops a sense of hope for personal achievement gained through hard work and determination
AVID is not just another program.
At its heart, AVID is a philosophy:
Hold students accountable to the highest standards,
provide academic and social support,
and they will rise to the challenge.
AVID Elementary incorporates:
Student Success Skills – encompassing communication skills (e.g. listening, speaking, writing), self-advocacy skills, note-taking strategies, critical thinking, and study skills.
Organizational Skills – both mental and physical; students learn to use organizational tools, as well as learn and practice skills around time management and goal-setting.
WICOR Lessons – emphasize instruction on writing to learn, inquiry, collaboration, organization, and reading to learn in all content areas.
Partnerships – among students, classrooms, grade levels, schools, feeder patterns, families, and communities.