Showing Up Together: 2023 Attendance Awareness Campaign

Claremont Unified School District Announces Major Attendance Campaign for Upcoming School Year


CLAREMONT, CA, August 30, 2023 - The Claremont Unified School District (CUSD) is pleased to announce the launch of a district-wide attendance campaign to promote the critical importance of consistent school attendance for its students. Scheduled to officially kick off on September 1, in observance of Attendance Month, the campaign will incorporate a variety of communication efforts to engage and educate students and parents about the value of daily school attendance.

A comprehensive body of research supports the fundamental premise of the campaign: attending school every day is directly linked to academic success. Missing 18 or more days in a school year can seriously affect a student's academic performance. High absenteeism, particularly in the ninth grade, has been shown to correlate with lower graduation rates.

The campaign's initiatives will be spread across the 2023-2024 school year, with a particular emphasis at the start of the school year. 

"Our strategic plan, The CUSD Commitment, is about ensuring that each student has the opportunity to learn, grow and succeed in our classrooms. Each day in school is another step toward a brighter, more promising future. We believe in our students, and this commitment drives our purpose to elevate the importance of school attendance and overall student success." said Dr. Jim Elsasser, Superintendent of the Claremont Unified School District.

To ensure the reach and effectiveness of the message, CUSD will launch the campaign on the district’s Youtube, Facebook and Instagram accounts. CUSD will share a kick-off video featuring Dr. Elsasser explaining the campaign and its importance.

Additionally, the campaign will host a video contest with the theme 'Showing Up Together,' inviting students to creatively express the value of consistent school attendance. As an added incentive, the district will also conduct monthly drawings for schools that show exemplary attendance, with winners announced on social media.

CUSD believes that being present at school enhances learning and helps develop social skills and school connectedness. Through this comprehensive campaign, the district hopes to elevate awareness and understanding about the vital role of regular school attendance in student success.

This campaign is in support of The CUSD Commitment, with a spotlight on Focus Areas 1, 2, and 5.

For more information about the attendance campaign, please visit the Claremont Unified School District website or follow the campaign on social media platforms.